4e WoW Wiki


Priests use divine power to heal their allies and melt faces. They rely upon their Intellect to guide their attacks, but the power behind them is driven by their Spirit. Priests generally divide into holy or shadow spells as their talents often improve one or the other. Holy priests can heal better, shadow priests can do more damage.

Priests wear only cloth armor and usually have a low Agility. They add their Spirit modifier to AC, but it is still low and they try to avoid getting attacked. Priest's must choose between high damage attacks which take a long time to cast and prevent them from moving, or quicker spells that do less damage but let them run away.

Holy Priest
Holy Fire
Divine Fury
Holy Nova
Spiritual Healing
Shadow Priest
Mind Flay
Shadow Word Pain
Shadow Weaving
Devouring Plague


Role: Leader or striker.
Power Source: Divine
Races: Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Blood Elf, Undead, Troll, Tauren,
Key Abilities: Intellect, Spirit
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth
Weapon Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, one handed mace,
Bonus to Defenses: +2 Will

Hit Points at First Level: 10 + Stamina Score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 4
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Stamina modifier

Trained Skills: Religion, Choose 3 more from the class skills list: Arcana (Int), Diplomacy (Spi), Heal (Int), History (Int), Insight (Int), Religion (Int)


POWER WORD FORTITUDE: At the end of each short rest you give temporary hit points equal to your Spirit modifier to you and all allies.

INNER FIRE: You add your Spirit modifier to AC in place of your Agility modifier.

FLASH HEAL: You have the power flash heal

Flash Heal Priest Feature
A prayer heals an ally.
Encounter * Divine
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: You or one ally in range
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge.
Special: You can use this power twice in an encounter but only once per turn.


Holy Fire Priest Attack 1
Your foe is engulfed in holy fire.
At-Will * Divine
Long Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 holy damage, and target takes ongoing holy damage equal to your spirit modifer, save ends.

Mind Blast Priest Attack 1
A blast of shadows strikes at your foe.
At-Will * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: 1d20 shadow damage.

Mind Flay Priest Attack 1
Your foe is attacked by shadows which fight to keep him at bay.
At-Will * Divine
Long Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 +1d6 + Spirit modifier shadow damage, and target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Shadow Word Pain Priest Attack 1
Your foe is consumed by shadows.
At-Will * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: Target takes ongoing 1d6 + Spirit modifier shadow damage, save ends.

Smite Priest Attack 1
Holy light smites your foe.
At-Will * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Spirit modifier holy damage.


Divine Fury Priest Attack 1
You call the wrath of the divine down upon your foe.
Encounter * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Spirit modifier holy damage.

Mind Melt Priest Attack 1
A blast of shadows strikes at your foe.
Encounter * Divine
Long Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 +2d6 + Spirit modifier shadow damage, and target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Channel long.

Misery Priest Attack 1
A blast of shadows strikes at your foe and bares their soul to pain.
Encounter * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: 1d20 shadow damage, target gains vuln 2 vs all damage, save ends.

Shadow Weaving Priest Attack 1
A poison of shadows hurts your foe.
Encounter * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: Target takes ongoing 1d6 + Spirit modifier shadow damage, and vuln 2 to shadow damage (including shadow weaving itself), save ends.


Devouring Plague Priest Attack 1
Shadows consume your foe and feed its life into you.
Daily * Divine
Daily Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: Target takes ongoing 1d10 + Spirit modifier shadow damage, save ends. Each time the Devouring Plague deals damage to the target you can spend a healing surge as a free action.

Holy Nova Priest Attack 1
A burst of divine power heals your allies and harms your foes.
Daily * Divine
Standard Action Close Burst 2
Target: Each foe in burst
Attack: Intellect vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Spirit modifier holy damage.
Effect: You and all allies in burst can spend a healing surge.

Mind Sear Priest Attack 1
Your foe becomes a host of shadows that worry its allies.
Daily * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One foe
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: Target has an ongoing effect, save ends. At start of target's turn all foes in a close burst 2 of the target (not including the target) take 1d6 + Spirit modifier shadow damage.

Shadow Word Death Priest Attack 1
A word of power brings death to your foe or drains your life.
Daily * Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Requirement: Target must be bloodied
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: 3d10 + Spirit modifier shadow damage.


Cure Disease Priest Utility 2
Holy power stops your ally from taking further damage
Encounter * Divine
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: Ends one ongoing damage effect on the target.

Power Word Shield Priest Utility 2
Holy power protects your ally from damage
Encounter * Divine
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: Target gains 1d10 + Spirit modifier temporary hit points

Psychic Scream Priest Utility 2
Shadows frighten your foes
Encounter * Divine
Move Action Ranged 5
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Intellect vs. Will
Hit: Target is feared, save ends.

Renew Priest Utility 2
Holy power heals your ally as long as it is needed
Encounter * Divine
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: Until the end of the encounter the target gains regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action the target can end the effect to regain 10 hit points.






Darkness: Your Spirit modifier has a +2 for determining shadow spell damage
Holy Reach: Holy attack and healing spells have their range increased by +5 squares.
Inspiration: The target of your Flash Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, Penance, Prayer of Healing, or Circle of Healing also gets a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Searing Light: Your Spirit modifier has a +1 for determining holy spell damage and healing spells.
Shadow Focus: You receive a +1 to attack rolls with shadow spells.
Shadow Reach: Shadow attack spells have their range increased by +5 squares.
Spiritual Healing: The target of your Flash Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, Penance, Prayer of Healing, or Circle of Healing recovers additional hit points equal to your Spirit modifier.
Surge of Light: You may use Flash Heal an additional time in an encounter, but still only once per round.
Unbreakable Will: You add your Spirit modifier to saving throws vs Stun, Fear, Silence.
